
Showing posts from September, 2019


(in alphabetical order and updated over time) Napoleon V. Abueva Agnes Arellano Virgilio "Pandy" Aviado Eliza O. Barrios Gabby Bautista Katrina Bello Leo Bersamina Santiago Bose Christian Cabuay / Kristian Kabuay Aileen Ibardaloza Cassinetto Emmy Catedral Marissa Sean Cruz Mel Vera Cruz Isabel Cuenca Dulcie Dee Rea Lynn de Guzman Melinda Luisa de Jesus Malaya de Jesus-Tinsman Stinson de Jesus-Tinsman Ulysses Duterte Reanne Estrada Arvin Flores John Yoyogi Fortes O.M. France C. Sophia Ibardaloza Venancio C. Igarta Tala Isla-Contreras Janna A ñ onuevo Langholz Loisse Ledres Mail Order Brides Isabel Manalo Matt Manalo John Patrick McKenzie Maryrose Cobarubbias Mendoza Karl Frederic Meneses Ged Merino Melissa Nolledo Manuel Ocampo Jennifer Ortuoste Alfonso Ossorio Rhett Pascual Cristina Querrer Aurie Ramirez Patrick Rosal Jose Tence Ruiz Sharlyn Shegoian Leny M. Strobel Stephanie Syju...


"The Zen of Doodles" Leny M. Strobel September 2019 After sharing her "doodles" from her Zentangle project, Eileen Tabios  asked Leny M. Strobel some questions about her process: EILEEN (ET): Please share the background to these doodles or sketches. How did you come to start making them?  LENY (LS): I started these doodles in 2015 around the time that Zentangle was trending. I have a relative who was into it and she got me interested. I was also in recovery from a medical condition that required me to slow down and be quiet. These doodles were my way of getting my mind out of the way. ET: You've introduced me to something new: Z entangle! It seems like a lovely approach. I'm sharing below the eight steps that its creators Rick and Maria describe from their Zentangle website. I'm struck by the first and last steps--how one must begin with "Gratitude and Appreciation" and end with "Appreciat[ing" w...