This essay first appeared in THE HALO-HALO REVIEW , November 2019 EILEEN TABIOS Engages “Hawak/Hold (Davao Gulf)” by Katrina Bello (Graphite on paper, 6.5 x 9.5 inches, 2019) [Click on images to enlarge] Katrina Bello : Scaling Up by Scaling Down Vast. Empty. Full. Perfect. When I make my drawings, I am in the grip of these immensities. —Katrina Bello, Facebook (Sept. 20, 2019) This past September, I read of conceptual artist Kenneth Goldsmith’s printing out of all of Hillary Clinton's emails and then she showing up at the Venice Biennale to read them. I appreciated this particular work by an artist whose works sometimes don’t work for me. But the work’s effectiveness made me consider as well how money (and lack thereof) affects artwork. It took a lot of resources to print out 62,000 pages of Hillary's email and put them on a faux White House presidential desk. Monetary effect is on my mind as, for the 2nd or 3rd t...